Visit us in our beautiful and inviting clinic where you and your pet can enjoy our relaxed ambiance.
At 3I3vets we create this atmosphere by listening to you, and subsequently your pet for one minute each – we genuinely love this tradition. Not everyone immediately ‘loves’ this approach, however we ask that you engage with an open mind.
Speak freely about anything in the whole world for one exact minute without any interruptions – introduce us to yourself, your pet, lifestyle, or choose silence. We love this practice as we know with bustling lifestyles – being heard and uninterrupted has become a rarity in some cases. After your minute is up, we shift the focus onto your pet, following the same procedure.
The purpose of this is to let us know your page, and focus on you and your pet. This is extremely beneficial for all, and importantly you are helping create a relaxed atmosphere in the consultation for your pet, allowing them to explore and exhibit relaxed behaviours. Truthfully, listening to your pet is our favourite part of the day.
In these minutes, we are able to complete up to 90% of our entire clinical examination.
Our purpose is to help our clients be efficient and have a great life
Homely Environment In Sickness And In Health
Listening To The Animals And The People
Holistic Pet Wellness Services Including Acupuncture
Easy To Follow Behaviour Advice For Dogs And Cats
Dental Treatment And Preventative Dental Care